Saturday, September 10, 2011


today..i got final exam BPC114..
the questi0n was tough.....heehe
btw..that was masyuk giler..
ada la org tu wanna sat with me bcoz they hope i'll help them..haha..
but..opzz..sorry beside on me..hve diana that must sit with me..
huhu..everyb0dy will get jeal0us uuu..if u all sat beside on me..
apa tidaknya..there hve a lot of girls that interested with u all =p
yang bestnya..when..penasihat kami keluar skjp jew..semua duk.."weh..sln ni pe jwpn dia..yg ni..yg tu.."huhu..funny la..
but kami yg jujur ni tidak la share jwpn kami..sorry guys..
bila penasihat kami masuk..semuanya bajet menjadi pelak0n yang terbaik..
after half an hour we face anat0my.physi0logy.bout heart n merepek-repek lagi paper..syikin was the first student that was submitted her paper..haha
zaki n his friends pe lagi..mula la nak m'ng0rat syikin..
but..oopzz..n0 way beb..huhu
then aku.diana..n semua hntr..

tapi yg paling masyuknya..cerita ab0ut dak kesat..giler best kamo0 semua..huhu..h0pe u all will get dekan with that subject..hahaha

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