Friday, September 16, 2011

its so hard

flying to my friend
ya allah..
ease journey in my life
show the right path to me
I truly hurting him(my friend) a lot
send my forgiveness to him
 show a girl(that was better.better n better) to him that can give he happiness..
i hope we still friend like usual..


huhuhuhu...saja jew aku post cemgitu..huhuhuhuhu week i'll sit a final first paper will on monday morning..
i was afraid because i still can update this post not to open the book and study that bo0k..

it was my timetable for my final exam..
- 19 SEPT 2011:Monday -BEL120
- 20 SEPT 2011:Tuesday -CiTU101
- 27 SEPT 2011:Tuesday - PHY110
- 30 SEPT 2011:Friday -BIO121
- 4 OCT 2011:Tuesday -CHM160
- 7 OCT 2011:Friday - MAT133

for those who read this post..what u waiting for..please pray for me for the DEKAN..huhu..n i'll study hard giler2 punya..n solat terbaik punya..huhu
*solat hajat banyak2 aw untuk aku..
    -girl : kalau nak selitkan doa untuk dapatkan suami mithali boleh sgt dialu-alukan
    -boy : kalau nak selitkan doa utk m"dptkan isteri mithali pun aku takutlah kalau ak terpaksa menolaknya...wakakaka

fo0t n0te : t0 all my l0vely seni0rs..s0rry f0r my silence..u all very kind t0 me..n dun w0rry b0ut me..


  1. gud luck my dear friend..moh kte kasi gegar wit DEKAN.. :p

  2. moh.moh..huhu
    btw thnkz ye..
    u to0..all de best..
