Saturday, December 31, 2011

tamatnya 2011

..salam semua..

sempena akhir tahun ini

tadi my mum bawa sy dan adik-adik sy pergi jalan-jalan..
kami pergi makan Kenny Rogers 

ermm..klu makan kat situ..msti saya akan order macar0ni cheese..

-nampak tak?byk kn..huhu-

cheese is my fav0urite one..huhu

tp td first tyme rasa mcm nak t'muntah..
mybe byk sgt sy mkn kut.. tidaknya ada sy suruh adik2 sy order gk..
"klu tak mahu akak jew"

lepas makan.makan..
kami r0und.r0und lagi dalam mall tu..



there are hve something yang menarik minat kami..

ada satu bo0th tu sedang lukis muka seorang budak..
jadi tuuu~

terus my mum asked me..
'oh..really..erm..okay..huhu'(tnpa berfikir pnjg)

duduk je..
perghhhhh..malu tahap mam***

yela..semua orang teng0k..




my aunty said..

tak serupa sangat..
tapi bahagian mata jek..

but f0r me..


btw..terharu sangat.sangat...

first tyme orang lukis rupa saya...


bl0g n0te : 

2011 banyak sangat peristiwa suka duka..
dan yang pasti saya tidak akan lupakan..


~2011 saya akan merinduimu~

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

aircraft ^_^

~salam t0 all readers~

~it was lo0k like that~

if any 0ne of you have the opp0rtunity t0 lead an aircraft???

hehe..n0w I wanna share the experience that I g0t it..

are you jeal0us?huhu

actually.. I went t0 PPAS (Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Selangor)* library..


*adakah aku telah membawa pesawat di dalam library?*

after a few hours I finished my lab report and did my tutorials 
with the whimper*hee..aku pun nak sbnrnya* of my friend(ijat) t0 watch video 6D
i was accepted it..

then..after zuhur we b0ught the ticket (1 = RM10)
the vide0 started at 2.30pm..under gr0up 3..

my heart like played the drum that time..
(dengar orang menjerit jak)
ecstatic(tak sabar)hehe..

then after my gr0up was called..
that have a pers0n that was gave some briefing bef0re we'll watch the 6D video..

"he said : ini adalah salah satu tarikan agar lebih ramai datang ke perpustakaan ini..bagi yang tidak gemar membaca buku(sentap bhaaii) juga boleh datang dengan adanya video 3D dan 6D..dengan ini kita boleh memantau para remaja yang sering kali melepak di mall-mall berdekatan..bukan itu sahaja, mungkin dengan cara ini akan wujudnya sifat untuk lebih dekat dengan buku" (his word was sounded like that)

~ I was seat there~ that ro0m only have 8 seat..
bef0re that was started we must t0 wear sit belt,glasses and must t0 hold the guide beside our seat..

::: 6D :::
it so called XD..
actually it same like 3D but it hve a bit different that is have add with 3 element (air,light and movement)

before it was started..
he still asked if we have heart-attack,feel like dizzy..
(this time I felt my body was cried)haha *it was sweat*
yeah..why not..

he tried made me a bit felt fear on us..

i didn't screamed out..because i felt amazed with that video..
these thing that i really want before this..
i just can watch it on tv.. in detective c0nan where he played a game that like reality..
eventh0ugh it was in cyber..

the vide0 that i watched was "Ravine Racer"
where we like lead an aircraft to race with another racer..
when there had the air..I was felt my shawl was blown with that air..
when the aircraft that we lead was hit by the stones..
I felt my back was in pain..
I just laugh while others was screamed-out..
there are a lots of barriers in front of us..and I was avoid myself from all the obstacles in front of me..

I was heard from a kid that her head felt a bit dizzy after her head hit the barriers..
because she can't avoid it..
I don't know if that true or not..hee just 5 minute i think..

but it was worth with my money RM10..hee

lastly..i can be a pil0t*maybe*hehehe


blog n0te: ay0h..kita ke library

Friday, December 23, 2011

badan sihat..otak cergas..

..salam 'alaik semua..

sepanjang minggu ini a'an busy sangat-sangat..

anda ingin mengetahuinya??

di tempat a'an sedang menela'ah ini..
telah diadakan 


huhu..seronok..macam nurse a'an rasa..
actually it was our assignment for this sem and that will be our carry mark for final exam soon..

thats why i'm a bit busy..*nak mark lebih..kena kerja keras..huhu


20-22 DIS :

21-22 DIS :

19-23 DIS :




dek kerana a'an kerjanya memantau n duk meR0NDA2 jew..
mean a'an must t0 observe whether ank buah(kwn a'an gak) inv0lved or n0t..
klu tak..they didnt g0t any mark f0r that campaign


kalau dalam unit kesihatan tu dah ramai..mean mereka turun m'jalan kn tugas mereka..

aku tidak perlu risau sangat..

tapi aku t0long jaga bahagian lain..



aku jaga bahagian kempen tanggath0n..

di mana aku t'paksa MENEBALkan muka duduk and jaga lift..
and gave the some briefing f0r them about the campaign..

kempen ini boleh di kata kn besar la juga..

dimana semua staff n student tidak di benar kn menggunakan lift..

ini bagi menyokong kempen tanggathon itu..

tetapi..sayangnya untuk bahagian ini that is my friend ABU yang in charge kempen ini anak buahnya tidak ramai..
dan kalau ada pun..masing-masing mengelak KERANA malu...


*kesianlah kat abu..aku check kt list name..asik-asik nama tgk nme list pun..klu ak nak ke class msti nmpk dia yg jaga..
entah makan.entah tidaklah kawan aku tu..

but..lastly..mereka semua involved juga..itu pun setelah kak YATI ku tegur mereka..

huhu..thankz kak yati <3 <3

memang macam2 alasan yang mereka(student and staff) berikan..kutuk belakang la.adaa yg tak sokong kempen tu la.apa la..ingat ak tak dgr..huhu pun utk kebaikan kalian jua..

huhu..yeahh..itu fedbck yang kami dpt..wlaupun kami sedikit kecewa dengan smbutan yang anda semua berikan terhadap kempen tanggath0n itu..kami lega..akhirnya kami menjalankn tugas dengan baik*insyaAllah..hee


then..aku pergi check mata..hehe(tidak mahu lepaskn peluang yang ada)
free tu...
and the result f0r my eyes are -------(shhh)


then..aku try utk kempen derma darah..
unf0rtunately..the d0ctor said..
"awak tidak dibenarkan buat masa sekarang"


apa-apa pun..

alhamdulillah..semuanya berjalan dengan lancar..


blog note : thanks t0 you my friend..
(sementara menunggu kehadiran papa n mama)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

he didn't t0uch her.. ^_^

hari ini a'an just nak share apa yang a'an baca..hee

"jangan kalian sentuh seseorang wanita walaupun hatinya"
(imam As-Syafi'e) ^_^

!! ingat..panah pun jangan !!..hee
-actually..pendapat a'an b0ut that quote*maybe.. ermm..kalau seseorang LELAKI itu memang tidak ada perasaan terhadap seseorang WANITA itu..janganlah lelaki tersebut cuba untuk mencuri hati wanita berkenaan..
hee..faham?h0pe so..huhu
bermulaLah al-kisah..

komik ini dipetik dari bl0g Serikandi Sang Pencinta. dan
dilukis oleh Nurel Yana Maurad dengan tajuk The Pious Student.
inilah adalah kisah benar yang ditulis oleh Maulana Siddiue Ahmed Sahed Mudda Zilluhu. Boleh di dapai di dalam bukunya 'Adaa'bul Muta'allimeen'.
sebuah k0mik yang mengisahkan kemuliaan hati se0rang lelaki muslim yang cintakan Allah. Komik ini diadaptasi dari kisah yang..
a student was 0nce studying in Delhi. The night had already set in, as he sat al0ne in the m0sque. Studying by the lamp's flame.
In the same locality a y0ung lady was on her way t0 visit s0me relatives. However, a riot br0ke out and the street were n0t longer safe..
The y0ung lady c0uld find n0 place of refuge except this very m0sque.
when the student saw her, he ordered her t0 leave immediately.
He t0ld her 'it is n0t appr0priate f0r you t0 remain here because if the l0cal pe0ple see you here then this will be a cause f0r my disgrace, they will rem0ve me fr0m the masjid and this will cause harm t0 my studies. A riot has br0ken out in the l0cality and if i leave the masjid i fear that i w0uld be dish0nored.
up0n hearing these w0rds, the student kept quiet and asked her t0 sit in one c0rner. Thereafter the student returned t0 his c0rner and engaged himself in studying the wh0le night.
while studying he w0uld momentarily place his finger-tip on the flame of his lamp.
the y0ung lady had been carefully observing this.
sl0wly the night has brunt away. At the break of dawn, the student t0ld the y0ung lady said. 'the riot hs subsided and the r0ad is safe. Let me take you t0 your h0me'. The young lady said ' i'll n0t return h0me until y0u reveal t0 me, the secret f0r repeatedly placing y0ur finger tip on the flame of your lamp'. The student said, ' you sh0uld n0t c0ncern y0urself with that'.
nevertheless, the young lady persisted in her request. The student finally said, 'the devil repeatedly whispered int0 my heart and enc0uraged me t0 do evil with you. Hence i placed my finger tip on the flame and addressed myself thus:
'when you cannot bear the heat of the fire of this world, then h0w will you ever bear the painful fire of jahannam?..Allah, though His Grace protected me. Hearing this, the young lady returned h0me.
she was the daughter of a wealthly pers0n and she was ab0ut t0 be engaged to the son of an0ther wealthly pers0n.
after this incident she refused the pr0posal and said : " i desire t0 marry a certain student wh0 lives in such and such a masjid". Her parents and relatives started t0 convince her and many began entertaining bad th0ughts about her. When she observed this, she explained t0 them the entire incident..and said "i'll only marry him because he has the fear of Allah in this heart. And wh0ever fear Allah cannot harm t0 anyone".
finally, they were married and Allah made them pr0sper..
15) people marry for four reas0ns : 
social status..and virtue marry f0r virtue that you may be successful -Hadeeth-
what will be your reas0n??

*huhu..tiba-tiba teringat pesanan seseorang kepada diriku..
and it s0und like this:
'kalau kamu hendak mencari seseorang lelaki(suami) carilah di masjid-masjid.atau di surau-surau'
hee..*malu gitu* ~_~
but that truth.. ^__^

Saturday, December 17, 2011

sexual orientati0n


u0lllss apa khabar??sihat?rindu a'an tak? apa.tak rindu??

~Ada Aku Kesah~

huhu..btw th0se wh0 miss me s0 much..i miss u all damn much to0..hee

okay..berUNTUNGlah kamu pabila a'an membalas keRINDUan kamu itu..hee c(=

ch0p.ch0p..n0w..straight t0 the ampang p0int..
sekali kau update tajuk perghhhh...uhuhu

bakal DOCTOR(insyaAllah amiinn)..haruslah tajuk ada kena mengena dengan bi0logy sedikit kn..amirite?

huhu..padahal tak adalah bi0logy sangat..

its ab0ut a F0RUM that i was attended with my friends..

"ReveaLing the Truth Behind The SEXUAL ORIENTATION"

okay..diHIGHLIGHT namanya disitu..disampaikan oleh siapa??
aik..jenuh den nak type balik naa..hee..baca sendirilah..

dalam forum ini..kami membincangkan mengenai GLBT pada era ini*cewah.

hah.guess what GLBT stand for?
Gay..Lesbian..Buy-BuyBisexual..Trans Gender..

orang kata..if tajuk yang ingin dibincangkan di sesuatu tempat itu kemungkinan besar sedang menghadapi masalah itu.right?

but f0r me..n0pe.. a'an menafikan perkara di atas itu..
KEMUNGKINAN BESAR ye..just kat tempat a'an study ini..insyaAllah tidak ada masalah dengan perkara tersebut..huhu

harap-harap tidak ada la..kamu semua d0akan taw..
rasulullah tidak akan mengaku umat kutttt~nauzubillah min zalik..

by the way
forum itu diadakan di BS 1,2,3 on 9pm until 11pm(ACTUALLY)
tapi disebabkan tajuk dia perghh the time was extend until 11..40pm begitu..

memang sangat-sangat..

-ini imam muda asyraf itu-

i think all of you sudah kenal kan?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

kau yang jauh disana #1


hari ini a'an rasa bersyukur sangat ke hadrat Ilahi
kerinduan yang ku pendam sekian lama
akhirnya terluah jua..

dia sudah berubah
cara pakaian dia..cara dia berkata-kata atau bercakap dan berborak dengan aku..
semuanya sudah berubah..
aku berasa sangat gembira melihat akan perubahannya
aku rindu akan dia yang dahulu
apa-apa pun
aku dapat melihat dia.dapat bercakap dengan dia..dapat memeluk dia sekuat mungkin..
itu sudah lebih memadai..

dia selama ini sudah berapa kali datang mencari aku
ada sahaja halangan
yang menyebabkan aku dengan dia tidak dapat bertemu..

~alhamdulillah ya RABB~

*jika sudah ditakdirkn untuk kita agar bertemu..maka kita akan bertemu jua..cepat atau lambat*

Monday, November 28, 2011

terasa suasana kampung ^_^


perghh..title aku macam tak ada kampung la kan??
kesian atuk and opah kat kampung..hee
sorry my grandparent..

sudah lama a'an tidak merasa suasana kampung..
rindu taw..
ini bukan sebab my grandparent sudah tiada okay..
tetapi sebab mereka suka singgah menyinggahi..lawat bukit melawati..hinggap menyinggapi ke rumah anak-anak mereka yang disayangi..
oleh kerana itu..
aku tidak merasa pulang ke kampung dan menikmati suasana kampung yang permai..

oleh hal demikian..(perghh..ayat BM tu)

telah membuat plan terbaik punya..
mereka berbincang untuk berjumpa dengan kami student dari beting highland..
yang turut serta berbincang adalah ::
*student dari beting highland
DIMANAKAH aku menghiLang?
aku tidak hilang ke mana-mana..
aku mengikuti segala plan kamu semua daripada fb..
senyap-senyap ja~shuuu..hee


pagi tu..setelah di knekan oleh ijat n qil kaw-kaw punya..
iman,her mum n atiqah(her friend) telah datang bersama sebuah kereta
untuk menjemput kami(student beting)..
kami semua telah berpicnic bersama-sama..
(perghh claz kau mariah)
 ditepi tasik sebelah istana tuuu...hee
then kami telah membuat keputusan untuk bertandang ke istana LAMA.. wey..
btw the m0ment yang menakutkn la jugak..
adalah ketika menaiki tangga istana yang sungguhh curam..
*kalah aku daki bukit wey..gayat dye..walla weyh
dah tu..dye punya lampu b"gerak tatkala kami menaiki tangga tersebut..

sedang asyik meneliti seluruh kawasan dalaman istana itu..
hujan pun turun membasahi atap istana tersebut..
*eceh ayat skema tu..
tunggu d0k tunggu..
ayah n pak cik iman datang menjemput kami..
kami dibawa ke kampung halaman iman..

wa cakap sama lu suma la..
kampung tu..perghh..cantik..terus idea ph0t0 sho0t sessi0n ingin di buat di kampung tersebut..

-kat uma tok wan iman-

t0k wan iman kasi makan sedap..*hee..padahal memang tengah lapar..
thankz tok wan iman..

-kasut jew ada??-

l0cati0n :: ditepi tasik.. ^_^

bl0g n0te ::
  farahin..walaupun kau tidak dapat j0in..kau tetap aku ingati.. hee
wanna n0e m0re st0ry m0rry b0ut this??

h0pe u all enj0y by this entry..