Sunday, December 18, 2011

he didn't t0uch her.. ^_^

hari ini a'an just nak share apa yang a'an baca..hee

"jangan kalian sentuh seseorang wanita walaupun hatinya"
(imam As-Syafi'e) ^_^

!! ingat..panah pun jangan !!..hee
-actually..pendapat a'an b0ut that quote*maybe.. ermm..kalau seseorang LELAKI itu memang tidak ada perasaan terhadap seseorang WANITA itu..janganlah lelaki tersebut cuba untuk mencuri hati wanita berkenaan..
hee..faham?h0pe so..huhu
bermulaLah al-kisah..

komik ini dipetik dari bl0g Serikandi Sang Pencinta. dan
dilukis oleh Nurel Yana Maurad dengan tajuk The Pious Student.
inilah adalah kisah benar yang ditulis oleh Maulana Siddiue Ahmed Sahed Mudda Zilluhu. Boleh di dapai di dalam bukunya 'Adaa'bul Muta'allimeen'.
sebuah k0mik yang mengisahkan kemuliaan hati se0rang lelaki muslim yang cintakan Allah. Komik ini diadaptasi dari kisah yang..
a student was 0nce studying in Delhi. The night had already set in, as he sat al0ne in the m0sque. Studying by the lamp's flame.
In the same locality a y0ung lady was on her way t0 visit s0me relatives. However, a riot br0ke out and the street were n0t longer safe..
The y0ung lady c0uld find n0 place of refuge except this very m0sque.
when the student saw her, he ordered her t0 leave immediately.
He t0ld her 'it is n0t appr0priate f0r you t0 remain here because if the l0cal pe0ple see you here then this will be a cause f0r my disgrace, they will rem0ve me fr0m the masjid and this will cause harm t0 my studies. A riot has br0ken out in the l0cality and if i leave the masjid i fear that i w0uld be dish0nored.
up0n hearing these w0rds, the student kept quiet and asked her t0 sit in one c0rner. Thereafter the student returned t0 his c0rner and engaged himself in studying the wh0le night.
while studying he w0uld momentarily place his finger-tip on the flame of his lamp.
the y0ung lady had been carefully observing this.
sl0wly the night has brunt away. At the break of dawn, the student t0ld the y0ung lady said. 'the riot hs subsided and the r0ad is safe. Let me take you t0 your h0me'. The young lady said ' i'll n0t return h0me until y0u reveal t0 me, the secret f0r repeatedly placing y0ur finger tip on the flame of your lamp'. The student said, ' you sh0uld n0t c0ncern y0urself with that'.
nevertheless, the young lady persisted in her request. The student finally said, 'the devil repeatedly whispered int0 my heart and enc0uraged me t0 do evil with you. Hence i placed my finger tip on the flame and addressed myself thus:
'when you cannot bear the heat of the fire of this world, then h0w will you ever bear the painful fire of jahannam?..Allah, though His Grace protected me. Hearing this, the young lady returned h0me.
she was the daughter of a wealthly pers0n and she was ab0ut t0 be engaged to the son of an0ther wealthly pers0n.
after this incident she refused the pr0posal and said : " i desire t0 marry a certain student wh0 lives in such and such a masjid". Her parents and relatives started t0 convince her and many began entertaining bad th0ughts about her. When she observed this, she explained t0 them the entire incident..and said "i'll only marry him because he has the fear of Allah in this heart. And wh0ever fear Allah cannot harm t0 anyone".
finally, they were married and Allah made them pr0sper..
15) people marry for four reas0ns : 
social status..and virtue marry f0r virtue that you may be successful -Hadeeth-
what will be your reas0n??

*huhu..tiba-tiba teringat pesanan seseorang kepada diriku..
and it s0und like this:
'kalau kamu hendak mencari seseorang lelaki(suami) carilah di masjid-masjid.atau di surau-surau'
hee..*malu gitu* ~_~
but that truth.. ^__^

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