Wednesday, December 28, 2011

aircraft ^_^

~salam t0 all readers~

~it was lo0k like that~

if any 0ne of you have the opp0rtunity t0 lead an aircraft???

hehe..n0w I wanna share the experience that I g0t it..

are you jeal0us?huhu

actually.. I went t0 PPAS (Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Selangor)* library..


*adakah aku telah membawa pesawat di dalam library?*

after a few hours I finished my lab report and did my tutorials 
with the whimper*hee..aku pun nak sbnrnya* of my friend(ijat) t0 watch video 6D
i was accepted it..

then..after zuhur we b0ught the ticket (1 = RM10)
the vide0 started at 2.30pm..under gr0up 3..

my heart like played the drum that time..
(dengar orang menjerit jak)
ecstatic(tak sabar)hehe..

then after my gr0up was called..
that have a pers0n that was gave some briefing bef0re we'll watch the 6D video..

"he said : ini adalah salah satu tarikan agar lebih ramai datang ke perpustakaan ini..bagi yang tidak gemar membaca buku(sentap bhaaii) juga boleh datang dengan adanya video 3D dan 6D..dengan ini kita boleh memantau para remaja yang sering kali melepak di mall-mall berdekatan..bukan itu sahaja, mungkin dengan cara ini akan wujudnya sifat untuk lebih dekat dengan buku" (his word was sounded like that)

~ I was seat there~ that ro0m only have 8 seat..
bef0re that was started we must t0 wear sit belt,glasses and must t0 hold the guide beside our seat..

::: 6D :::
it so called XD..
actually it same like 3D but it hve a bit different that is have add with 3 element (air,light and movement)

before it was started..
he still asked if we have heart-attack,feel like dizzy..
(this time I felt my body was cried)haha *it was sweat*
yeah..why not..

he tried made me a bit felt fear on us..

i didn't screamed out..because i felt amazed with that video..
these thing that i really want before this..
i just can watch it on tv.. in detective c0nan where he played a game that like reality..
eventh0ugh it was in cyber..

the vide0 that i watched was "Ravine Racer"
where we like lead an aircraft to race with another racer..
when there had the air..I was felt my shawl was blown with that air..
when the aircraft that we lead was hit by the stones..
I felt my back was in pain..
I just laugh while others was screamed-out..
there are a lots of barriers in front of us..and I was avoid myself from all the obstacles in front of me..

I was heard from a kid that her head felt a bit dizzy after her head hit the barriers..
because she can't avoid it..
I don't know if that true or not..hee just 5 minute i think..

but it was worth with my money RM10..hee

lastly..i can be a pil0t*maybe*hehehe


blog n0te: ay0h..kita ke library

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