Friday, October 7, 2011

hari tak tentu arah..


yeah!!!hari ini paper last aku..MR PRECALCULUS..
ermmmm....i dont know what i've done to thats paper..
start hari rabu malam tu..sampai nak ambil paper tu..
kepala otak asyik fikir pasal benda tu je..

ohh..pity on u la a'an..

okay..paper start jam 8.30 am
aku pergi 7.55

i was arrived at there 10 minutes before the exam start..
okay..syukur alhamdulillah..the lecture didnt mad on me..
tyme aku masuk tu..boleh dikatakan semua orang pandang aku dengan wajah yang sungguh pelik..
i was wear the "pelik shirt"..hrmm
when i see on me..urmmm..okay..i wear a "baju kurung" nice n sweet a'an..
i've a seat.n wanna filled the form of attendence.. hands got a shiver..
what the weird day for me??????
then my friend that was sitting left and in front of me.was said to me :

my fren : (swang hand to me)where's ur calculator??-whisper-
me : (whisper)hah??
my fren : (show her calculator)
me : (whisper)..ha'ah la..(hands up) calculator was left at outside..
lecturer : okay..u can go..
me : ^_~ okay

then..bila kat luar je..
duk menyelongkar beg..
tapi tak jumpa..
then mula keCUAKan menguasai diri ini..
bila masuk balik..
bgtau lecturer what was happened to me..

then i go back to have a sit..
then when i wanna put my phone down on the floor..
i saw my calculator under my desk drawer..
then..dengan tak tahu malu..aku terjerit sikit with said alhamdulillah..
fine JUJUR..
without calculator i dont know how i can answer thats paper..hehe

then the both of the lecturers hanya mampu menggeleng kepala mereka sambil memberikan satu senyuman kat aku=gelakkn aku..
arghhhhh...malu ye..huhuhu

abez je paper..otak aku still lagi memikirkan perkara yang sama..
sambil tu packing la..

cuti for de sebulan lebih ^__^

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