Saturday, October 8, 2011

a big(1)




adakah ini gara-gara pengaruh korea telah masuk dalam kepala otak aku??


disebabkan before balik ke rumah aku yang tercinta ini...aku telah menyedut beberapa cerita korea daripada senior aku..

otak melayang entah ke mana..sampai the ending of the story i didnt understand what the the story about..

JUJUR..orang bercinta pun..
aku rasa tak macam aku..

tidur tak lena..tapi sampai berdengkur
mandi tak basah..tapi bau aroma kewangian dia..perghh..(sedut nafas)jiran sebelah pun bau..
makan tak kenyang..tapi sampai boleh lawan sendawa..erghh(alhamdulillah)

ana punya pikir.punya pikir..

finally..i was made a big desici0n in my life..

only ALLAH knows everything what was n will happen to my life..

to izzaty : hopefully sangat-sangat that u will go there..

p/s : for those..who reads this post..doakan yang terbaik buat aku..i still dont know..whether it a go0d for me or not..

i'll continued this post after i confirmed it..

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