Saturday, February 25, 2012



go0d friends are like stars
you d0n't always see them
but you kn0w they're always there


eventh0ugh just a few days we kn0w each other
in a deep in my heart was said
that you're a go0d friend and go0d pers0n that I must appr0ach


because you always give me a supp0rt 


you was g0ne
disappear immediately

we didn't keep in t0uch anym0re


I miss you..

thanks f0r taught me t0 be m0re pi0us w0man.
thanks for everything..

I h0pe that I'll always in ur DOA..


* Ya Allah..jika benar dia kawan yang baik untuk aku..izinkan aku untuk merindui sahabat aku itu..*

-kita akan dipertemukan jika Allah tentukan pertemuan tersebut..InsyaAllah-


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